Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Heat Is On

Well, that's it. The summer is pretty much over as far as we're concerned. Terhi's parents have gone home, and there is nothing more to look forward to--other than the end of summer itself. This unrelenting, oppressive heat may appeal to some people, but not me. It just wears me out.

Of course there are landscaping projects starting to materialize. Little did we know that losing our shade tree would inspire us to redo the entire yard. Actually, I think we've been building up to it anyway, and this was just the catalyst. But we're now in full planning mode, which means we may soon be into full renovation mode. Perhaps I shouldn't be looking for a new job until after I've used up a bunch of my vacation from this one in landscaping projects.

Anyway, we'll keep you posted, I'm sure. But personally, I'm going to stall for awhile at least until the weather starts cooling down a little.

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