Friday, July 01, 2005


It's been about a month now since I formally began my new position. I still can't say that I truly have a handle on my job yet. And this week I've had to make some decisions I'm not comfortable with--decisions that effect people's lives. I'm frustrated by the slowness of our progress in getting up and running.

But I'm still enjoying it. I've had some self-doubt, especially when I see the quality of people I have working for me. But all in all, I'm glad I'm in this position, and I still think I can do a good job of it. It's just going to take some time to get comfortable with the rest of the leadership team, for one. And I still need to get used to navigating the hierarchy and the political landscape.

Bottom line: I may not be entirely comfortable doing the job yet, but I'm glad it's me doing the job.

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