Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Round One

We have finally selected an agent, though not without much anxiety and emotional churning. Needless to say, I'm drained. But I think we made the right decision. We're giving "the little guy" a chance. I think the point that really focused our decision was the notion that our agent is our face to the people we will be transacting with. They'll likely never see us, but they will probably see our agent. And yet--and we speak from experience here--people will likely make a judgement about us based on the behavior of our agent. We wanted to go with someone who we would be proud to be identified with/by.

It's quite a vote of confidence, really, that we are willing to bet our agent is not going to do anything to embarass us based on a one-hour meeting. So, now we have an agent. We just need a lender..oh yeah, and a buyer, too. Minor detail.

1 comment:

Thom said...

Pictures of the baby... I'll have to remember that. Between Richard, Walter, and Emma, we should be able to get a buyer to DROP the price for us. ;-)