Friday, October 14, 2005

On the Rise

I'm starting to feel better. I could just be going through what my wife and I call "my period." At any rate, I seem to be outlasting my blues, and things are starting to look better. I can't say that the situation has changed much, but my perception of things is more positive.

And for unknown reasons, last night was the first night in a while where I feel like I actually got decent sleep. That helps.

I got the chance to browse television last night while my wife was out shopping for Christmas. Yes, we have started shopping already. We have to. Half our family is in Europe, and if we don't want to pay more to ship the presents than the presents cost we need to send it off soon.

Anyway, I just have to say, there's still nothing good on. I watched an X-files wannabe for awhile. Sure it was spooky and a little unnerving, but nothing to make me want to watch it ever again. Heck, the baseball game was more compelling. Unfortunately, I wasted the better part of the evening determining what a waste of time television has become. I probably should have put on the baby monitor and gone for a walk on the treadmill. Oh well. Next time I'll know.

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