Thursday, October 20, 2005

Half-a-year, Half-a-year, Half-a-year, Onward!

My youngest is six months old today. It's amazing how quickly and how slowly the time has gone by. It's amazing how much he influences my life. He's such a good natured kid, though when he gets tired or hungry he can get pretty wound up. But most of the time he's very happy, and quick with a smile.

Lately he's been "talking" more and more. This morning as I went downstairs past his room I could hear him laying in his crib making happy noises. He's also been learning to nod and shake his head. Of course anything that comes at all close will meet his extremely grabby hands.

In short, he's a sweetie-pie, and I can't imagine life without him. Happy Half-Birthday, little guy!

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