Monday, June 06, 2005

More Laptop Envy and Feelings of Inadequacy

Last week is a blur. And I'm getting a laptop. I spent much of the week away from my desk, and I got nearly nothing done beyond meeting my team members. Which is good, as that was my primary goal for the week. But I'm farther behind on everything else. A laptop would have helped, and I was seriously considering asking for one when my manager noticed I don't have one. The order went in the very next morning.

One thing I noticed last week is that nearly everyone on my team is more experienced than I am. So either they had no interest in being a team lead, or IT experience was not the primary criterium for my position. It's a bit intimidating at any rate. But I suppose it can't be any harder being the administrative leader to a dozen people than it was being the spiritual leader of a couple dozen. Just as in the latter case I have to assume that I'm where I am for a reason and just go with it. And just like Smith Barney, I'll have to gain trust the old fashioned way: earn it.

This week is looking a little less frantic. Fewer meetings, for one thing. I'll have more time to get my ducks in a row to the point where I can start delegating a little. There is no way I can do this all myself, and there's no reason why I should try. I've already got more than enough work to make me feel invested in the team. I should spread it around a little and let my team invest some of themselves, too.

Which is possibly a sneaky way to learn a few more things about them, too.

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