Monday, June 20, 2005

Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch...

Our house is back to its originaly occupancy (I was going to say "our house is quiet again," but that's NEVER the case, even at night, as the two cats like to play "impersonate a rampaging buffalo herd" at all hours). My mother-in-law should be home by now, and we're readjusting to three kids and two adults in the house. I suspect my adjustment will be much easier than my wife's.

Our baby surprised us last night by going to sleep by himself and at least an hour earlier than usual. I must say the extra sleep was nice. I'm not expecting tonight to go as well, though. I guess that makes me a pessimist, but I prefer to think of it as "managing expectations." You have to say this for pessimists: their only surprises are pleasant ones.

With Mom gone we've now concluded our "social calendar" for the year. This Spring was pretty well packed with various family events, but now there's nothing. The only thing hanging out there now is the ever-ambiguous "get a bigger house." Not much to look forward to for awhile. I'm definitely looking forward to the Fourth of July, though. The next couple weeks are going to be killers at work. Even if the day off will just mean I have to compress the same number of things into a shorter work week, I'll enjoy being away for an extra day.

My little boy is two months old today! It's amazing how the time can seem simultaneously so short and so long. So much has happened. They say the older you get the faster the time goes. In that case it won't be long before I'd better just sit down and watch everything get blurry.

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