Friday, June 10, 2005

Laptop Therapy

I got a company laptop today. And of course all my meetings cancelled, so I haven't had a chance to try it out. So far the only difference is that I have a box sitting ON my desk instead of UNDER it. That's okay. I intend to take it for a test drive this weekend.

I've been getting more chances to watch Babylon 5 lately, not necessarily by choice. Our baby is having a hard time getting to sleep in the evenings. My wife feeds him to overflowing, so that's not the issue. So I stay up with him until he crashes while she gets some sleep.

Thank heaven for DVD! At that hour I don't want to make any noise, so I just turn on the English subtitles and read the show. At this rate I should be through with the fifth season by the end of the month, though, so I hope this problem is short term.

Unfortunately, B5's fifth season was not their best work. Since J. Michael Stracynzky didn't know the show would be picked up for the fifth season, he wrapped up as much as he could in the fourth. As a result he didn't have much to cover in the fifth, and since there was nothing beyond that anyhow, he couldn't really afford to open up any new long-term plot arcs. The "telepaths" arc just doesn't grab me. The "teeps" remind me too much of the type of people that hang around comic book and game stores for me to feel any real empathy for them.

About the only plot arc still worth watching (I'm sorry, but Captain Lockley just doesn't do it for me. Too bad Ivanova had to go) is Londo Mollari and G'Kar. We get to witness Londo's long descent into hell, and it's not fun viewing. Other than that, the other characters show up too seldom to keep me caring about them. It's all a rather hollow ending to the series, in my opinion. Maybe it'll get better.

The weekend is almost here. I'd say I really need one, but I don't know that my weekend will be that much to talk about. Who knows. The world is always more dreary when you're tired.

1 comment:

Thom said...

This is the Thom of the Future. You dork. Season 5 perhaps had a slow, uncomfortable start, but it's right up there with all the others. And the last half is the most delightful agony I've ever experienced.

Babylon 5 hangs together through all five seasons. Everything is there. I stand by my later opinion that there is nothing better out there.