Tuesday, February 28, 2006

If You're Going To Do Something...

...Do it big!

Many of you recall that I became a fan of The Apprentice: Martha Stewart last year. As a result I got to watching The Apprentice: Donald Trump as well. This year I tried to resist, but I decided to watch Trumps Season Five opener. I may as well admit that I'm going to watch every week now, especially since my wife also got dragged in. And I may as well admit I'm going to blog about it.

So rather than punish all of you, who probably couldn't care one fig, I've created a new blog for it. I present: Apprentii Voyeur. Yeah, I'm one sad, sick soul. But I'm also experimenting with the commercial market and more focused blogging. I'm not ready to try taking this blog to the world at large, but I'd be willing to do it on something of less consequence.

So check it out if you like. Or don't. I won't be hurt.

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