Monday, August 15, 2005

...As...As...A Fiddler on the Roof!

In a flurry of activity the roofers descended on our house this morning. By the time I got home this evening they had everything replaced to the decking. Tomorrow they'll come back and shingle it all. At least I hope.

Meanwhile, the kids were thrilled and the cats were nervous. The cats have pretty much been nervous for the past several weeks. They know something's up. Something BIG. They're used to us packing, but not for weeks. I can only imagine what is running through their heads right now.

"Hmmmm...they just moved the sofa out. They've never taken the sofa to Finland before! They must really be planning a long trip this time!" They'll probably be basket-cases by the time we move into the next place. But then again, would we notice a difference?

It's starting to sink in that we're moving. Yesterday was the "Big Goodbye" at church. There were those who expressed their sadness as offense that we would dare to move, and those who simply said they'd miss us. I much prefer the latter.

There were plenty of "last time" moments. I'll miss our ward. But I have to admit that I probably won't think of it much after we get settled in. There are quite a few individuals, though, that I will think of often. There were a lot of people I deem "quiet heroes," who aren't the standouts, who aren't lauded for this or that, but just quietly go about their lives, do their best, and happen to be there whenever you need them. People who quietly volunteer for just about everything, seldom need reminding about anything, and always seem to be in the background, making sure things happen. People whose lives are a sermon in themselves.

I want to be someone like that someday. I'm not there yet. I'm still too selfish. I still pat myself on the back too much. I still don't volunteer nearly often enough. Give me...oh, a few more centuries might do it.

I'll miss those people. And I'll have very good intentions of keeping in touch. We'll probably even invite quite a few of them over to see our new house. And who knows. Maybe the friendships will last--maybe even blossom when we actually have to work at it, when we don't just see everyone each week.

Who knows. Anything is possible. Even me becoming someone like that someday.

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