Saturday, June 24, 2006

The name's Al...Al Kaida.

Did anyone else catch the little detail in the story about the terrorist group in Chicago that got arrested recently? The news story I read said that they tried to make contact with Al Qaeda, but instead made contact with a unspecified "agent of a friendly foreign nation," who basically strung them along until we had enough evidence to hang 'em.

Now granted, there are probably agents in Britain, Germany, Mexico or Israel that could pass themselves off as muslims or maybe even agents for those countries who are muslims. But maybe, just maybe, we have a friend in the middle east who is helping us.

I don't know about you, but I'm sure hoping for the latter. That would be just too cool.

At any rate, the right message is being sent from this: you can't be totally sure your Al Qaeda contact is really Al Qaeda. You could be getting set up. (If you ask me, fake or real, you're being set up either way--they'll have you do the messy martyrdom thing while they reap the rewards. If a quick trip to paradise and seventy virgins is such a wonderful, guaranteed thing, why isn't Bin Ladin first in line?)

Anyway, kudos to someone out there! We thank you for your service!

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