Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It's A Given

Am I the only person in America who is doing better this year than last year? You'd sure think that to listen to the media. I started reading an article by someone wondering just what Bush can say in his address tonight to make things look better than they are. I didn't read very far. It was obvious what the writer's agenda was, based on her initial points:

- The State of the Union stinketh, yea, doth roil in stench most foul, because:
- We're still in Iraq, and by her deep, far-reaching expertise in nation-building, we're making no progress whatsoever.
- Hurricane Katrina is Bush's fault.

I stopped reading at that point. I have little to gain from someone with such a warped world view. Am I really to think that the measure of our country can be taken by looking at a third-world country halfway around the world and by one of three regions hit by hurricanes last year? Am I to trust the intellectual honesty of someone who cannot find even the most remote sign of improvement in Iraq?

And why is it that even though he's never been blamed for hurricanes in the previous six years in office, Katrina is Bush's fault? Florida and Texas have been hit hard several times in the last few years, and if the Federal Government really is responsible for handling all such situations, he did a great job on those. Why is Katrina different? To listen to some people you'd think that Bush personally weakened the foundations of thousands of buildings in the area right before the storm hit.

So no, I saw no reason to continue. With that train of logic she'd probably go on to suggest that Bush personally campaigned for Iran's new president, gave him blueprints for nucular bombs, and stopped off in France on the way home to stir up some riots--all of which is proof positive that life in America is an excruciating existence comparable to an apendectomy with toe nail clippers and no anesthetic.

Last night on PBS they showed a documentary on the Nuremburg Trials. If you're looking for evil, folks, THERE is your model, not the current administration. If Bush et al are the nazis so many think they are, then why hasn't he declared Katrina to be the fault of Louisiana blacks and fined them for the cost of repairs? Why is the editorial staff of the New York Times still alive? Why are Mexico and Canada still independent? Why is Baghdad still standing?

If I learned anything last night it is that people really have learned nothing from history, and we're likely going to repeat it. Only this time people like the pathetic writer of that article (who probably believes she is not free to speak her mind under Bush's Nazi Regime, even while her article is carried into millions of homes free of charge) will make sure there is no United States of America left to stand up to the true evil when it rears its head.

Speaking of history, how many of the Great Civilizations, while too strong to be conquered from the outside, fell apart due to corruption from within? I think THAT is the lesson from history we should be paying attention to.

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